1567 N Aurora Rd Ste 135, Naperville, IL 60563-0727


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What are the Benefits of Dental Veneers?

Find out all the wonderful advantages that getting dental veneers will afford you. Are you ready to give your smile a little makeover but not sure how to do it? Let Read More

Dental Crowns Strengthen Damaged Teeth

Good news: you don't have to give up on a tooth just because it's damaged. A dentist at Advance Family Dental Care in Naperville, IL, may be able to strengthen Read More

Could Teeth Whitening Work For Me?

Are you interested in professional teeth whitening? Find out if it’s the right cosmetic treatment for you. Do you love your smile but hate your stains? As we get older a Read More

What Dental Implants Could Do for You

Discover all the benefits you’ll reap when you choose dental implants in Naperville. You are tired of dealing with tooth loss, so turn to our Naperville dentist Dr. Pirooz Zomorrodi for Read More

How Tooth Colored Fillings Help Restore Your Smile

What your dentist in Naperville wants you to know about cosmetic fillings Not too many years ago, if you needed a filling, your only choice was a bulky, metal filling. Old Read More

What You Need To Know About Root Canals

Are you worried that you might need a root canal? Dr. Pirooz Zomorrodi, your Naperville, IL dentist at Advance Family Dental Care, shares a few facts that will help put Read More

What Your Toothache Could Be Telling You About Your Smile

Persistent pain is often a way that your body communicates with you. A toothache is your body’s way of telling you that there’s a problem within or surrounding a tooth. Read More

Straighten Your Teeth Without Hiding Your Smile

Metal mouth is a nickname of the past when you choose to get clear braces in Naperville. Crooked, crowded or gapping smiles can affect your appearance and your self-esteem (not to Read More

Why You Should Consider Cosmetic Dentistry

Find out how getting cosmetic dentistry in Naperville can help you. If you are looking to get a smile makeover then why wouldn’t you turn to our cosmetic dentists for help? Read More

Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures To Improve Your Smile

Are your teeth dull, chipped, or even missing? Does this cause you to dislike your smile? If so, you could benefit from cosmetic dentistry. This umbrella term encompasses dental procedures Read More

A Straighter Smile Doesn't Mean A Mouth Full Of Metal

Do you want to straighten your teeth but don't like the look of metal braces? The Invisalign brace system might just be the perfect option for you. The system uses Read More

How Dental Implants Affect Your Whole Smile

Find out how this dental restoration not only replaces a missing tooth but also can promote a healthier mouth. A gap in your smile does more than just affect your appearance Read More

FAQs About Teeth Whitening

Looking great usually means feeling even better, especially when it comes to your teeth. With so many cosmetic dental procedures rising in popularity, choosing how to enhance your appearance and Read More

Let Crowns Strengthen Damaged Teeth

If you've broken a tooth or decay has deteriorated its structure, you might think that the next step is having it extracted, or pulled. However, dentists like Dr. Pirooz Zomorrodi Read More

Why Ignoring a Missing Tooth Could Be Bad News For Your Jaw

A missing tooth not only affects your appearance; it can also have a negative impact on your jaw and your health. Your teeth are an integral part of your jaw. Read More

How Bonding Can Help Fix Minor Imperfections in Your Smile

There are many reasons our patients feel their smiles can be improved. Even with an overall healthy mouth, people often feel their teeth just don’t look as straight, white, or Read More

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Advance Family Dental Care

10:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
10:00 am - 7:00 pm
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm